Skills Assessment

Sometimes you need validation of skill and competency. IP&MA currently has two assessments that can help you identify infection preventionist competencies and develop a plan to close gaps in knowledge and practice.

Infection Surveillance Interrater Reliability Assessment

Surveillance Interrater Reliability Assessment
$99 per individual registration

Surveillance is a foundational element in infection prevention by which healthcare facilities are evaluated and potentially financially impacted. Facilities expect infection preventionists to accurately apply National Healthcare Safety Network definitions. The Infection Surveillance Interrater Reliability Assessment utilizes validated case scenarios to assess mastery of application of surveillance definitions to clinical cases. This is a valuable learning tool for infection preventionists and increases accuracy and consistency in applying National Healthcare Safety Network definitions. Rationale for each case scenario provided upon conclusion of assessment. Multi-person assessment available upon request.

Certification Exam Readiness Assessment

CIC Readiness Assessment
$99 per individual registration

The certification in infection prevention and control (CIC) issued by the Certification Board of Infection Control (CBIC) serves as a standardized indicator of the knowledge and competencies essential practice. Certification is supported by professional organizations, recognized by regulatory and accreditation bodies as a marker of competency and qualification for IPs, and many organizations expect IPs to be certified or actively working toward certification.

The Certification Exam Readiness Assessment includes 150 practice questions testing the individual's knowledge in each category of the CIC exam. Individuals may take the test in one sitting to gauge pacing and accuracy, or they may choose to save and exit the test and return to finish the content as personal time allows. Upon completion, scores are generated for each category providing individuals with a focused plan for study and improving test performance.